Send It Right

Where everybody’s got a crush on deliverability (or should, anyway…)

💌 Get on the list for my newsletter — it's free!

💌 Get on the list for my newsletter — it's free!

Welcome to my little corner of the email universe.

I’m so excited you’re here because it (likely) means you wanna learn the key concepts and strategies behind reaching the inbox — without falling asleep — so you can focus on what really matters: connecting with your email audience.

I’ve got a free weekly newsletter you can sign up for, plus other resources including blog posts, videos, and links to my favorite tools, email folks to learn from, and upcoming events.

(Coming soon!) I also have a deliverability course for sale to help you seriously level-up your deliverability game.

So, let’s go! It’s time to Send It Right. 💌

There are so many ways to Send It Right

Every email program is different. The common thread is that email recipients should be at the center of every decision you make — regardless of your goals with email.

Like it or not, the way you build, manage, and engage with the humans on your list makes all the difference.

So, take a look around, friend! Every nook and cranny of this site has been designed to help you send email the right way. Let’s get started, shall we?

How I can help…

  • A semi-regular newsletter for marketers and email practitioners who wanna consistently reach the inbox.

    Each week, you’ll get a lesson helping you learn how to send email that delivers — without hacks and loopholes!

  • A mixture of blog posts, videos, tools, experts to learn from, and other deliverability musings I’ve created for industry blogs & events.

  • The ideal entry point into the world of email deliverability. We’ll cover everything from what it is and why it’s important to the steps you need to take to reach the inbox consistently.

  • I love meeting fellow email nerds. Got a question or wanna bounce around some ideas? Book some time so we can get to know each other.

There are lots of ways to Send It Right. Let’s connect so I can show you some.