See you at the watercooler?

My favorite part of any conference or office visit is running into could-be email friends by the watercooler. Sometimes you chat for a minute, sometimes you find yourself with some lunch buddies, and sometimes you bond over something totally random and wonderful (like pranking your coworkers or your mutual love for movie references) and stay friends for 17 years and counting. (True story.)

Let’s re-create that magic with email huddles around a virtual watercooler. (That’s code for zoom-room.)

No agenda, no bad vibes, and no topic is off limits…mostly. Let’s keep it above board, people. Basically, just a casual conversation between email folks who wanna meet likeminded email folks.

This is a great way to make new friends who can share a different perspective, make you laugh, teach you something new, or maybe even help you land your next job.

Wanna huddle up with other email nerds?

Fill out the form on this page and I’ll take care of the rest. 💌