Build Trust From The Start - Email Marketing Onboarding Best Practices | CSA LIVE WEBINARS 2023

New customers are often an unknown quantity to ESPs in terms of their past sending behaviour, their current email marketing strategy and the quality of their data. ESPs should always vet new customers, but what are the metrics and factors that need to be considered, and what are the approaches to pre-send vetting that they should be using?

Serious issues can also arise during the onboarding process: what are the pitfalls vs. best practices? And what about post-send vetting techniques to protect the ESP's platform?

In this webinar, we explored each of these steps in more detail and provided actionable tips for Brands and ESPs to avoid pitfalls and set themselves up for email marketing success.

Speakers included:

  • Raymond Dijkxhoorn - SURBL, Co-founder

  • Julia Janßen-Holldiek - Certified Senders Alliance, Director

  • Jakub Olexa - Mailkit, Founder & CEO

  • and me! Lauren Meyer, Chief Marketing Officer for SocketLabs